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  • Publications

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Date of birth: June 1979   

Place of birth: Magdeburg, Germany  


Education and personal career

Since 3/ 2016 Assistant Professor at the University of Salzburg, Department of Geography and Geology, Social Geography
2015 Research Assistant at the Fachhochschule Erfurt, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Department of Urban and Spacial Sociology
2/2015 PhD at the University of Leipzig
Title of disseration: "Raumproduktionen im südöstlichen Europa."
2014-2/2015 Subject coordinator and teaching for Geography and applied Geography, Evangelische Werkschule Naundorf (Saxony, Germany)
3/2013-8/2013 University assistent at the University of Graz, chair of Human Geography and didactics (temporary replacement)
2012  Scholarschip of the DAAD (doctoral fellowship)
2007-2011 Research Assistant at the Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde (Leipzig, Germany)
2007-2010 Teaching assignments at the Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institute of Geography
1999-2006 Study of Geography, Political Science and Economics at the WWU Münster and the University of Ljubljana
1998 Abitur at the Nobertusgymnasium (Magdeburg, Germany)


Conferences, Presentations and Media


VI. CATference, Prag: “Post-political urban landscapes?! Where is the political in urban development and urban theory in Eastern Europe?” (Panel-Organisation und Leitung)

EUGEO Kongress, Budapest: “The city of the future? Smart cities from a different perspective: Deconstructing the current boom of smart city activities in Italy”.

2014 10. Hermann-Henselmann-Kolloquium “Urban Austerity”, Weimar: „Crisis – Austerity – Smart City… Urban governance and policy-making in Southern Europe”.

Deutsch-Griechischer Workshop “Urban Crisis or Urban Crises”?, Athen: “The long story of austerity urbanism in Eastern German cities.”

V. International Urban Geographies Conference of Post-socialist cities, Tbilissi: “Housing policies and the post-socialist city: actors, strategies, outcomes.” (Panel-Organisation und Leitung)

Abschlusskonferenz BMBF-Projekt „Dynass“. Berlin. “Sicherheit in unsicheren Zeiten?! Zum Boom urbaner Sicherheitspolitiken- und praktiken im östlichen Europa.“ (Einladung)

2012 3rd Young Scientists Forum on Central and South East Europe 2012. Wien. “The production of new socio-spatial inequalities in Eastern European cities.” (Einladung)

International Workshop on globalisation and urban development. Istanbul. „The relationship between urban development and globalisation in South-Eastern Europe.“ (Einladung)

2011 IV. CATference, Cities after transition. Bukarest: “Wild Wild East. The production of urban inequalities in an era of commodification and spectacle.”

ICCEES VIII World Congress. Stockholm: “¿How to interpret suburban growth in Central and Eastern European cities?”

Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Washington D.C.: “The production of post-socialist urban landscapes.”

2009  57. Deutscher Geographentag. Wien: “Das Glück wartet hinter der Mauer!Geschlossene Wohnkomplexe – Vorboten sozialräumlicher Polarisierung in osteuropäischen Stadtregionen?“


Completed research projects

„Raumproduktionen im südöstlichen Europa: Entstehung, Wirkmächtigkeit und Alltag der Sofioter Gated Communities.“ (Dissertation)

„Zwischen Gentrification und Abwärtsspirale: Sozialräumlicher Wandel und Persistenzen in Wohnquartieren ausgewählter Stadtregionen des mittleren und östlichen Europa.“
(DFG: Laufzeit 2007-2011)


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