
In the course programm Master Geographie (degree: Master of Science) the Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg offers three major fields of study:

  • Applied Geomorphology and Alpine Natural Hazards
  • Economic and Social Geographie - Geographies of Uneven Development
  • Urban Ecology and Managment of Ecosystems

The working group Socialgeography and its members are mostly responsible for the major field of study "Uneven Development". But our courses are open to participation by any persons interested. Students of the major fields of study "Geomorphology" and "Urban Ecosystems" (but as well as students from other courses of study) are fractionally able to gain ECTS-credits from rendered courses of the working group Socialgeography. These redered services can be used as free electives or compulsory optional subjects.

To get more information on our courses please visit PLUSonline.

You can find an overview of courses in Bachelor's Degree Geography if you follow this path:
Faculty of Natural Science, Degree Programmes, Bachelor Programme, Bachelor's Programme Geography

You can find an overview of courses in Master's Degree Geography if you follow this path:
Faculty of Natural Science, Degree Programmes, Master Programme, Master's Programme Geography (Studienschwerpunkte, Studienschwerpunkt "Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeographie - Geographies of Uneven Development")

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