Announcement: Scientific Talks by Geographers of the University of Salzburg at the British Conference for Geographers

At the Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, from Tuesday 28.August to Friday 31.August.2018 in Cardiff with the theme "Geographical landscapes/changing landscapes of geography", Geographers of the Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg will give scientifc lectures.


"Conceptualizing and decoding short-term rentals in times of digital capitalism"

Thursday, 30.08.2018, Session 4 (16:50 - 18:30)

Angela Hof and Christian Smigiel form the chair and the discussion leader of Session 4. 

"Understanding the uneven landscapes of smart cities"

Friday, 31.08.2018, Session 3 (14:40 - 16:20)

Christian Smigiel participates as a scientific lecturer at the conference to the Topic "Deconstructing urban political strategies: a multiscalar perspective on smart cities in Austria and Italy". The lecture examines how smart city strategies are institutionalized, combined with and embedded at different spatial scales by using the Austrian and Italian case as a point of view.

AndersOrte. Freiräume für Zukunft

Logo_andersorteAm 30. September und 01. Oktober 2015 wird unter dem Titel „AndersOrte. Freiräume für Zukunft“ in Salzburg ein Prozess eröffnet, der Gesprächen zwischen Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft Raum gibt, Freiräume für Visionen eröffnet und ein gemeinsames Nachdenken über gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen ermöglicht.

Die Themen der Tage sind:

-      Kooperation

-      Warum es Veränderung braucht?

-      Veränderungen gestalten

Referent/innen sind u.a.:

-      Univ. Prof. Dr. Joachim Bauer, Hirnforscher, Arzt und Buchautor, Uniklinikum Freiburg i. Br.

-      Christine Ax, Ökonomin und Philosophin, Mitarbeiterin bei SERI Wien, Hamburg

-      Univ. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brand, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Wien

Eingeladen sind alle, die sich privat und/oder beruflich mit den Herausforderungen/ der Gestaltung einer zukunftsfähigen Gesellschaft beschäftigen (wollen).

Das Programm finden Sie unter

Der Eintritt ist frei. Eine Anmeldung in St. Virgil ist erforderlich. Das Programm zur Veranstaltung ist hier als Download erhältlich.

Die AndersOrte sind eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung des Bildungsnetzwerks sabine (Salzburger Bildungsnetzwerk für nachhaltige Entwicklung), des Landes Salzburg, der Arbeiterkammer Salzburg, der Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg und der Universität Salzburg.

Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie unserer Einladung folgen und sich Zeit für einen gemeinsamen Nachdenkprozess nehmen!

Theories and debates in geography

“Who makes city? Participation and expertise as (alleged) opposites of urban politics.”

Dr. Anne Vogelpohl (Hamburg)

Anne Vogelpohl is a renowned urban geographer and sociologist. She deals with the flexibilization of work and everyday life, housing and urban policy, neighborhood development and the theories of Henri Lefebvre. In her talk, she reports from a recently completed DFG research project in which she examined the role of private business consulting in urban policy-making.

  • Wed. 14.11. 2018, 18:00 – 20:00
  • Lecturehall 436

Further lectures in the context of this series of events:

11.21. Prof. Dr. Samuel Mössner (Münster): "Green City? Urban sustainability transformations from the perspective of the region "

 28.11. Dr. Felix Silomon-Pflug (Frankfurt am Main)

All interested are warmly invited!


Alpine Space 2014+

The Alpine Space Programme invites to save the date for its transnational conference: Alpine Space 2014+ showcasing the achievements of the 2007-2013 Programme and projects, and launching the 2014-2020 period.


When: on 21-22 October 2014

Where: in Salzburg, Austria

More information on:

Energy and social Injustice

The anthology presents the current status of energy poverty, energy policy and social injustice and analyses basic coherences and determinants between Germany and Europe. Since years, and not only in the course of energy transition, energy prices of private households in Germany have rised. This development concernes different social groups in different ways, what on the other hand is varyingly strong absorbed by the welfare state. But it is thanks to the persistent debate on rising electricity prices in the course of energy transition in Germany that  topics such as energy poverty and cost burden arouse the public's interest. At the same time it becomes clear that until recently scientific study of interdependencies between energy systems and social injustice in Germany had been a underexposed research area with just a little pioneering work. The aim of the anthology is to present the scientific work of the last years and their findings.

Großmann K., Schaffrin A. & Smigiel C. (Eds.) (2016): Energie und soziale Ungleichheit. Zur gesellschaftlichen Dimension der Energiewende in Deutschland und Europa. Wiesbaden, Springer.




Announcement: UNIGIS Winter School

Salzburg, 15.-24. February 2018

This course addresses students and early career researchers, who are interested in spatially explicit simulation of natural and/or social systems by the means of agent-based modelling. Individuals from domains such as Geoinformatics, Geography, Ecology, Social Science, Spatial Planning, or Forestry are welcome. Interest in computational methods is a prerequisite, but no prior knowledge in modelling or programming is needed.

For further information please click here.


Mag. Beismann Michael

Während in Europa die ländliche Bevölkerung altert und verschwindet, machen sich überraschende Landschaften breit. Kulturland und Dörfer liegen verlassen da und bieten einer eigenwilligen Natur Platz, sich neu zu erfinden: Junger Wald gedeiht auf altem Feld, wilde Tiere streifen durch die Trümmer. Der Sog der Wirtschaftszentren lässt in abgelegenen Regionen die Landbevölkerung, ihre Kultur und ihre Landschaft auseinanderbrechen. Traditionelle Lebensweisen werden Erzählungen, Erzählungen zur Geschichte – und während die Stadt wächst, verblasst selbst die Erinnerung. Doch aus den Rissen der Ruinen sprießen zarte Knospen und in den Rissen großer Veränderungen blühen kleine Geschichten. Ein nahezu verlassenes Alpental, darin ein Dorf, das beherzt sich erhebt zu behutsamem Überleben: Dieses Tal und dieses Dorf bieten den Rahmen, aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln unsere Beziehung zum ländlichen Raum und zur Natur an sich zu reflektieren, zu hinterfragen. Der experimentelle Dokumentarfilm vom Londoner Autor, Fotograf und Filmemacher Christopher Thomson, Regisseur mit Bergdorflebenserfahrung und seinem Ko-Produzenten Michael Beismann, Innsbrucker Geograph, verführt in die Stille einer ehemals geschäftigen Bergregion. Wie es um das Tal und sein einziges noch- oder wiederbelebtes Dorf bestellt ist, zeigen die Bilder. Ein tiefgründiger, poetischer Text führt die Filmgenießer zu ihren eigenen Entdeckungen und Erkenntnissen, welche gesellschaftlichen Fragen der Bedeutungsverlust des abgelegenen ländlichen Raumes in Europa hervorruft.

Organisiert wird die Veranstaltung vom Geocompass Salzburg.

Weitere Informationen zum Vortrag finden Sie hier.

20.11.2018, 18:00 - 20:00.

Das KINO, Giselakai 11, 5020 Salzburg.




Rethinking Social Capital - Conference

Within the framework of the „Tu was, dann tut sich was“ project, a conference about rethinking social capital is hold. 

Conference Programme

March 26 and 27
Mönchsberg 2a, 5020 Salzburg
Costs: 75 euros for external (not ZEA and ifz), 50 euros for students – reduction on request.

Please register till March 20 at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone 0664/8525451

German Congress on Geography

This year’s German Congress on Geography takes in place from 30.9.2017 to 5.10.2017 in Tübingen. Also this year scientist from the Department of Geography and Geology of the Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg participate in expert meetings. Prof Dr. Andreas Koch, head of the working group Socialgeography, and PD Dr. Tilman Schenk will head an expert meeting on modeling and simulation of geographical phenomena. You can find the complete program of expert meetings to the guiding line of “Methods and Concepts of Geography” here.
The German Society for Geography and the local committee of Tübingen ask all geographers to shape the congress’s framework program. You can find the official Call for Papers here.


M.A. Wulf Andrea

In ihrem neuen Buch „Alexander von Humboldt und die Erfindung der Natur“ lässt Andrea Wulf das außergewöhnliche Leben des Universalgelehrten wie in einer wunderbaren Zeitreise und einem fesselnden Film ablaufen. Obwohl nach Humboldt Dutzende Orte, Berge, Flüsse, Lebewesen, ja sogar ein „Meer“ auf Mond benannt ist, ist sein Wirken oft in Vergessenheit geraten. Dabei geht heutiges, modernes naturwissenschaftliches Denken auf ihn zurück, sind Ökologie und auch das Verständnis des Klimawandels ohne ihn und die von ihm gelegten Grundlagen kaum vorstellbar. Generationen von Dichtern und Denkern, Forschern und Reisenden haben Humboldt verehrt und folgten seinen Spuren. Andrea Wulf lässt den vergessenen Helden der Wissenschaft und Nestor des Umweltschutzes, der so unterschiedliche Genies wie Darwin wie Goethe beeinflusste, wieder auferstehen. Von Andrea Wulf, die u.a. Fellow der Royal Geographical Society ist, stammen mehrere Bestseller, und das in fast 30 Staaten publizierte Humboldt-Werk ist mit zahlreichen großen internationalen Auszeichnungen geehrt und gewürdigt worden, u.a. mit dem Bayerischen Buchpreis 2016. 

Organisiert wird die Veranstaltung vom Geocompass Salzburg.

Weitere Informationen zum Vortrag finden Sie hier.

27.11.2018, 19:30 - 21:30

OVAL - Die Bühne im EUROPARK, Europastraße 1, A-5020 Salzburg



Kolloquium des Arbeitskreises Theorie und Quantitative Methoden in der Geographie

Von 28.02.-01.03.2019 findet das 23. Kolloquium des Arbeitskreises Theorie und Quantitative Methoden in der Geographie: Empirie - Simulation - Prädiktion am Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung statt. Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.

GeoComPass SALZBURG – Geographische Gesellschaft Salzburg

The geographical society GeoComPass SALZBURG was founded on October 16 2015. It is an event platform for spreading and supporting geographical knowledge and a society for everyone who is interested in Geography and its neighbouring disciplines.

GeoComPass SALZBURG has a program-cooperation with the Geographische Gesellschaft Passau e.V. – GeoComPass. GeoComPass SALZBURG offers at least ten events a year which alternating take place at the OVAL – Die Bühne im EUROPARK and the Blue lecturer hall at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Lectures of well-known characters and excursions under expert guidance of the GeoComPass UNTERWEGS are on the agenda.

For further information visit the website of GeoComPass SALZBURG.

Call for Papers: Reshaping European cities?

Exploring policies, practices and everyday realities concerning ‛Airbnbification’

Workshop, November 24-25, 2017: University of Salzburg, Austria

Organizers: Angela Hof and Christian Smigiel, Department of Geography and Geology

Digital platforms for urban tourism have not only given much more visibility to urban tourism itself but are also fueling its impact on urban policies, neighbourhoods and everyday lives. Housing rentals, for example through Airbnb, change the relationship between tourists and locals, guests and hosts and add a new dimension to the commodification of residential housing, leading to unanticipated and rapid transformations of entire neighborhoods. It is timely to recognize that urban tourism is useful as a lens to explore broader processes of urban change. In the recent debate, symptoms like increasing housing prices, an increasing focus on the exchange value for an increasing percentage of housing stock driven by digital platforms for short-term rentals are receiving much attention. However, we are convinced that it is time to move beyond the phenomenon of housing rentals and the buzzword sharing economy and to address the combination of urban politics, urban tourism and everyday (urban) realities that are reshaping and reshaped by this specific aspect of urban tourism. The digital platform is the interface between agents that barter for residential accommodation that has previously not been traded as a tourist commodity. These aspects have received relatively little systematic attention and analysis. We are missing comparative perspectives (e.g. cross-city comparison), in-depth studies on Airbnb and gentrification, displacement, and agency across social groups that engage and are affected by increasing Airbnb rental activities.


  • Cities, urban politics and housing rentals / Airbnb
  • Gentrification, neighbourhood change and housing rentals / Airbnb
  • Everyday urban realities – between commodification, micro-entrepreneurship and resistance


Please send a short abstract of no more than 200 words and an abstract of 500 words to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by no later than June 30th, 2017. We envisage a workshop fee of €20.


Keynote speakers:

  • Johannes Novy (Cardiff University/Spatial Planning)
  • Felix Holzmannhofer (City of Salzburg/Department for building regulation)
  • Jonas Parnow (Information designer and data visualist, Berlin)

To see the workshop's timetable, please click here. Please notice as well the call for papers.

60th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International

Where: Atlanta

When: 13.11-16.11.2013

Further information

Exploring Social and Spatial Opportunities to Move Within a City. A Resident’s Perspective on Urban Mobility.

The unequally distributed opportunities for being mobile lead to consequences on mobility patterns of individuals and distinct social groups within urban environments. In- and exclusion processes occur that have wide influence on social and spatial inequalities and by this considerable effect the quality of life of urban residents. Placement and movement of objects, humans and locations are constantly in transition; also relations between them are altering (Urry 2006). Meanwhile the structures of inequality in space are institutionalized by repetitive behaviour of urban citizens (Löw 2001) and varying extension of action spaces and different levels of local knowledge among residents strengthen inequalities in distribution, utilization and acquisition of urban space.

DONAT, Elisabeth & KOCH, Madeleine (2015): Exploring Social and Spatial Opportunities to Move Within a City. A Resident’s Perspective on Urban Mobility. University of Salzburg, Department of Geography and Geology, Geographies of Uneven Development – Working Paper, 02/2015, No. 6


Announcement: Rethinking Social Capital

Elisabeth Kapferer, Isabell Gstach, Andreas Koch, Clemens Sedmak (eds.) (2017): Rethinking Social Capital. Global Contributions from Theory and Practice. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge.

You can find the blurb here.

What keeps society together (Was die Gesellschaft zusammenhält)

Where: St. Virgil, Salzburg

When:  December 10 2012

Further information

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